
BREAKING: Congress Demands Investigation Into Obama – HE IS SHOCKED!

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson just got a letter of six high ranking Republican senators, requiring him to lead an investigation into Obama’s interference with foreign elections.

The senators wrote that George Soros’ Open Society Foundations spent American tax dollars to “push a progressive agenda and invigorate the political left” in foreign countries.

Mike Lee, Ariz., Utah, Jim Inhofe, Okla., Thom Tillis, N.C., Ted Cruz, Texas, David Perdue, Ga., and Bill Cassidy, La. signed the letter.

This letter applies especially to the USAID funds reserved for the US Mission in Macedonia, a country that has been facing difficulties to build a coalition government after the December 2016 elections.

“Unfortunately, we have received credible reports that, over the past few years, the U.S. Mission there has actively intervened in the party politics of Macedonia, as well as in the shaping of its media environment and civil society, often favoring left-leaning political groups over others,” the letter read.

“We find these reports discouraging and, if true, highly problematic,” the senators wrote.

The senators also say that Macedonia wasn’t the only country in which elections are influenced in this way.

“Respected leaders from Albania have made similar claims of US diplomats and Soros-backed organizations pushing for certain political outcomes in their country,” the senators added.

George Soros’ Foundations Open Society used USAID funds to create a controversial Strategy Document for Albanian Judicial Reform. Albanian top leaders claim that these reforms are “ultimately aimed to give the Prime Minister and left-of-center government full control over judiciary powers.”

The letter also underlines that their behavior “seems to have become a default for many of our embassies, AID missions, and diplomatic outposts throughout the world.”

“Time and time again, foreign leaders visiting Washington have expressed concerns to us about how American taxpayer funds are being used counterproductively in their respective countries,” the senators explain in their letter.

They also warn that the use taxpayer funds while interfering with foreign elections has “the potential to harm our relationship with the citizens of recipient countries.”

“We must take this critical moment – at the start of a new administration — to review how all our tax dollars are being utilized in order to halt activities that are fomenting political unrest, disrespecting national sovereignty and civil society, and ultimately undermining our attempts to build beneficial international relationships,” the senators concluded their letter.

What do you think about the move these senators made? What will the investigation reveal?

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