
Trump’s Youngest Granddaughter Brutally Attacked While At Home – HERE’S WHAT THEY DID

Every time someone attacked former president Barack Obama’s kids, the liberals would just jump on them, calling them nasty racists or whatever.

But it turns out it only works for leftists, because they are doing the exact same thing with Donald Trump Jr. and his two-year-old cutie.

Trump Jr. took Twitter to post a picture of his adorable daughter wearing an Ernie hat. He wrote, “Oh Chloe!!! Always the cutest. Hardest thing in the world is to not spoil the last of my little monsters.”

But the idiotic liberals started attacking the little girl and his father, and here are some comments taken from Twitter.

There is a slight thing that these morons can’t recall, and that is – Sesame Workshop is now owned by HBO, which makes it privately funded, and all this happened during Barack Obama’s presidency.

It’s true that this is just reckless behavior, but more importantly, it just exposes these guys as morons who do not research on the issue before they say something and do not care about the American economy at all.

For many years this great country has been going through a tough financial crisis, and now, the only important thing is get it on the right track by paying down our national debt, and do some cuts in spending.

Just one thing, before trashing on social media and selling moral to others, do a research and practice a little bit on what you say.

If you want to trash someone, just keep off the First Family and anyone associated with them. Just mind your own business and don’t hide behind the computer. Instead, face the one bothering you, of course, if you have the courage.

What do you think about this?

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